"Mateo is the owner of an Animal Shop where you can get animals for your farm. He often laments about Animals and talks about them to the point of adoring it. He seems to love animals and will get really sad if any animal is sick or injured. Although his dialogue seems more geared on animals there is some hidden meaning to some of the dialogue."
Mateo is the owner of an Animal Shop. He's the one who provides Treetop Forest with Animals, he's a young male with a heart of gold who provides help with Animals Regardless of their shape and size.
All he asks in return is for you to treat animals with respect. After all, a little love can go two ways!
Mateo's dialogue was all over the place in the files we received, most of his Dialogue featured various talk about animals... And the player.
"Reginald is the oldest out of the twins, often working hard and not doing anything for it, he strives in helping his little sister thrive. Mary is often the contempt out of the two, often thinking the worst of things, and whatnot."
Reginald and Mary are the twins that worked at the jewel shop. Both of them are polar opposites and both of them have different thoughts and feelings, they lived in Treetop Forest for their whole life and had taken over their parents' Jewel Shop.
Mary often Laments about wanting to leave Treetop Forest, but cannot due to her roots being in Treetop Forest.
Mary's Dialogue talks about her brother, while Reginald's talk about worries for his sister, and how he is going to raise her all by himself.
"Karen is a sweet girl, every Sunday she goes to Treetop church to help with Sunday school, she lives a standard life that's normal and nothing out of the ordinary and she wishes to reach far for the skies, and achieve more!"
Born and raised in Treetop Forest, Karen attends the Treetop Church everyday. She is a devout Christian who wants to teach the youth the joy of the Seamstress. Often by the book type of Christian she is hopeful that her scripture's are worth to everyone.
Despite having a belief, she is pretty tough on herself.
Karen's Dialogue hinted at her monotonous lifestyle and hints of Depression. She often hangs around church trying to escape her terrible home life.
"Nothing was known about Ryan other than he came from another town to start over and start fresh. Some people say Ryan was probably not his real name at all..."
Not much is known about Ryan other than the fact he moved to another town to start fresh. Many of the Townsfolk said he lives on the sidelines of Treetop Forest often away from other people. Do you dare talk to him?
Ryan isn't really fond of talking, he's the kind of person to be cold upon approaching him, but once you talk to him more he'll open up to you.
Ryan's Dialogue featured him at first cold to the player and not wanting to speak to them at first due to him being distrustful of the player.
"Lucy works the front counter of the General Store with her father, she's childhood friends with Ryland and enjoys his company, terribly so. But can't tell him."
Lucy is a cheerful young lady who is the childhood friend of Ryland. Through a lot of her dialogue she had hinted at her wanting to ask him out.
Lucy although having a crush on Ryland she speaks highly of the Player if you manage to pursue her.
Lucy's Dialogue also featured snippets of Ryland and how much she detests he was so distant from her. She laments that her and Ryland can still be friends.
"Ryland enjoys motorcycle's and hopes to one day make one of his own and drive away from the old town of Treetop Forest, despite being childhood friends with Lucy, he has no dreams of pursuing a relationship."
Ryland is a young man who is brothers with the local carpenter. He often loves riding around on motorcycles around Treetop Forest.
He is the childhood friend of Lucy and was there for her when they were children. Although growing up with Lucy, he has been drifting apart from her.
His Dialogue featured a lot of talk about Motorcycle's and mention of his brother. Some of his Dialogue also featured snippets of Lucy as well.
"Jessie is the famous Chef Pierre's daughter, she travels around the world dedicated to collecting spices' for her father's recipe's but she wants to live her life and make her own restaurant, but she's scared of opening up to her father about it."
Jessie is the daughter of renowned chef Pierre, she often runs out of town every other weekend to gather spices for her father. She often dreams of running her own Restaurant but she still wants to help her father despite.
Jessie loves her Father very much and would do anything for him.
Most of Jessie's dialogue involved her lamenting about wanting to start up her own Restaurant but usually her father is brought up in these Dialogues.
"Due to personal reasons London's love for animals had always been a coping skill for him. Born as a female, he wanted to be a boy having fond memories of being friends with boys, but sadly his parents never really accepted who he was. Until now. He realized how much he wanted to care for animals and his love for them grew."
London grew up in a town far away from Treetop Forest, born as Loella, he had a rough childhood with severe bullying from school, which led him to hang out with boys. London ended up realizing he was a male and promptly came out to his parents...
Only for them to reject who he was, when he was 18, he set off towards Treetop Forest in attempt to start fresh.
London's Dialogue featured things such as his home life, and how he was not interested in chatter, if pursued he reveals he's trans.
"Lucas is an inspiring doctor, he recently got out of med school and is the assistant in his father's clinic, Karen often hangs around his and his fathers clinic to inquire about medicine and doctor work."
Lucas is the friendly doctor of Treetop Forest, seen as cheerful and helpful. He wants to learn more about medicine and everything involved in it.
He's close friends with Karen as he is seen guiding her and teaching her about medicine each and every day.
Lucas' Dialogue has been heavily recovered and some of it, featured discussions relating to another character we have came to know as Rachel. His Dialogue rarely spoke about his father, but most of it is overhadowed by patients and anything relating to the player fainting
"Haraki was one of the few young female actress' that was tired of the limelight and tired of everything involved with the process of it all, she decided to fake her own death and move to Treetop Forest. Starting a Library there."
Hiraki was a famous actress somewhere between the games events and the pre-game. She was tired of the lifestyle which didn't come with privacy, so she ended up faking her own death and moving to Treetop Forest and opening a Library.
The Library is where she spent most of her days at, often welcoming anyone that comes in. Even though it's not a lot it seems.
Hiraki's Dialogue is often mixed matched often coming off as broken or unreadable. We fixed it, and it turns out her dialogue seemed to be about the library and if at certain stages she'll tell you that she was a famous actress.
"Tye is a swindler who enjoys swindling other from others, very charismatic he's able to trick others."
Tye is one of the few characters of Treetop Forest that steals and swindle's from other people, first encountered when you enter out of your farm at night, he is seen being chastised by Lucy's Father.
Tye has a way with word's and can get himself out of any sticky situation once you try and hold him accountable. He's seen often trying to convince the others that he isn't all that bad.
Tye's Dialogue can be few and far in between. He's often complimenting the Player quite a lot, and is usually the one who steals from the player if they are found after fainting due to exerting themselves in the mines.